Bone Grafting Gulf Breeze, FL

For Restoration and Dental Implants

To restore your smile, Star Smiles Dentistry provides a comprehensive list of dental services. With more serious restorations, such as a dental implant, it is important to have a strong foundation. If the bone tissue has been compromised or weakened, a patient may need a bone graft.

What Is A Bone Graft?

A bone graft restores damaged bone tissue using donor, artificial or the patients’ own tissue. Usually, our dentist will take a piece of bone from another area and place it over the damaged jawbone. Over time, the new, grafted tissue will grow together with the old, creating a stronger, better foundation for a dental restoration, such as an implant.

Will I Need a Bone Graft?

Our dentist may recommend that a patient receive a bone graft in Gulf Breeze, Florida, for a few reasons. The biggest reason is because the jawbone is not dense enough. If the bone tissue is not thick enough, it can prevent a patient from receiving a dental implant or other restoration. Unfortunately, after a tooth has been lost, the underlying bone starts to deteriorate.

Along with periodontal (gum) disease, tooth loss is the leading cause for tissue loss in the jawbone. To correct this problem, Dr. Nisarg Parikh can use a bone graft to restore the structure of the jaw.

If you are wondering how you can schedule a bone graft in Gulf Breeze, Florida, with our practice, contact us at 850-934-3408.